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Must get one yummy from here
服务到位 人也很细心
知道蛋糕是要做给妈妈和小孩子 会细心的问要不要降糖 让甜度不会太甜 也符合老人家和小孩子的口味
装饰也很漂亮 妈妈超爱草莓熊的装饰🤣
那天吃了老板娘做的蛋糕,我真的觉得很好吃 不会甜,而且水果也很新鲜 超级推荐她的蛋糕
The fruit cake is very yummy! My friends and me love it so much The ingredients of the cake definitely allow us who are on diet plan to enjoy the cake happily
Highly recommended if you’re looking for freshly baked cake. I’ve ordered burnt cheesecake cake for my dad’s birthday, not only him but whole family loved it! Especially with the combination of lemon topping cream. Delicious!